Been back from Deming for quite some time now. Spent the first two weeks cutting grass and
trimming the weeds around the house. Since then I have been trying to keep the place neat
and clean for prospective buyers. Almost had a deal, but it fell through because they couldn't
get financing. There have been other looky-lews but no offers. We have lowered the price once
still no offers.
In the mean time I had to take care of a medical problem. My eyesight was getting worse especially
at night, I was afraid to drive after dark. So I made an appointment at the Key-Whitman Eye Clinic
in Dallas and as I thought I had cataracts in both eyes. So I agreed to have them taken out and
replaced with artificial lenses. So far I have had the right eye done and I am about to have the left
eye operated on. The right eye seems to be doing well. When I compare the vision between the left
and right the difference is dramatic. looking only through my left eye electric lights look like yellow
bug lights. No wonder I had problems seeing things at night. Of course there are short comings to
the procedure; there is a possibility that the lens will cloud over and I will have to have a procedure
to clear it up, I will need Lasik done on the left eye to correct the vision because of astigmatism. I
did my research and there is no other cure for cataracts; surgery or slowly lose one's vision, that's
the way it is, so now I am the proud owner of expensive implanted plastic lenses in my eyes.