Sunday, December 12, 2010

RV project

I was checking out my RV and to my surprise the blinds in the living area have deteriorated and need replacing. The problem with that is figuring out how to get them down without damaging the wall. I went on the internet to ask how it is done and sure enough someone else has done it already and they filled me in with the details, seems there are clips that can be maneuvered opened to release the blinds. I got the first one down with only a little struggle the other will be worked on tomorrow, then I will buy new blinds to replace the old ones. Then the hope is that the clips will go back into place holding the new blinds into place.

Tomorrow the rig goes into the shop to have the brakes looked at and after paying a ransom to get that up to standard I'll take the old girl in to be inspected. RVs and boats they all need constant looking after with maintenance/repairs and modifications. The next project is to get a back-up camera for the rig installed, it has one now but I cannot get it to work, it flickered once and never came back on again. I have backed into so many things over the years that having a back-up camera is a must for me, especially since I will be towing a car behind the rig in the future.

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